Cab Detailing NJ

6 Genius Tricks To Remove Dog Hair From Your Car

Top 6 Strategies to Remove Dog Hair From Your Car Effectively

As a dog owner, dealing with pet hair in your car is almost unavoidable. While we adore our pets, finding their hair on car seats and carpets can quickly become frustrating. At CAB Detailing NJ, we understand this struggle, so we’ve put together a guide to share unique methods and tools you can try at home to keep your car fresh and fur-free.

Velcro Hair Curler

  • Believe it or not, a Velcro hair curler can work wonders in removing dog hair from your car. The small, elongated tips of the curler grab onto stubborn hairs, making it easy to lift them off your seats and carpets without causing damage. Best of all, velcro hair curlers are reusable, saving you the hassle of constant replacements.

If you have unused Velcro curlers lying around, keep one in your car’s glove box. Simply roll it over your seats and carpets after your dog rides with you. Once the hair is collected, clean off the curler outside the car, and you’re ready for your next drive.

Rubber Gloves and Water

  • If you’re out of lint rollers or a vacuum isn’t handy, grab a pair of rubber gloves and some water. Wet the gloves slightly, and then run your hands across your car seats and carpets. The dog hair clings to the gloves, making cleanup quick and effective. Set up a fan to circulate air in the car and help the moisture evaporate.

Steam Cleaner with Wire Bristle Attachment

  • For a more thorough cleaning, a steam cleaner with a wire bristle attachment is an excellent option. Steam cleaners effectively sanitize your car by removing 99.9% of germs, bacteria, and allergens. The vapor molecules lift grease, dirt, and embedded pet hair, while the heat tackles germs, mold, and dust mites.

Attach a wire bristle head to your steamer and gently run it over your seats and carpets. The combination of steam and bristles ensures that pet hair is removed without damaging your car’s

Duct Tape

  • Duct tape is a simple yet highly effective tool for removing dog hair from your car seats and carpets. Wrap a piece of duct tape around your hand with the sticky side out, press it firmly onto the affected area, and pull it away to lift the pet hair.

Repeat this process until the area is clean, replacing the tape as soon as it loses stickiness. This method is especially handy for small touch-ups or when you’re on the go, making it a must-have for dog owners.

Rubber Squeegee

  • A squeegee is a cost-effective and efficient tool for cleaning dog hair from car seats and floors. The rubber blade gathers hair as you drag it across surfaces, collecting it into a neat pile for easy removal. This method works quickly and is ideal for cleaning larger areas without much effort.


  • Using a balloon might seem unconventional, but it’s surprisingly effective. Rubbing a balloon over your car’s seats creates static electricity that attracts dog hair. Once the hair is stuck to the balloon, simply wipe it off and repeat as needed.Top 6 Strategies to Remove Dog Hair From Your Car

These techniques are perfect for dog owners in Morris County to keep their car interiors clean. However, for stubborn pet hair and upholstery stains, call in experts from CAB Detailing NJ for interior detailing services. We help you save you the hassle of dealing with stubborn pet hair and leaving your car spotless.

Visit Cab Detailing for top-quality car detailing that will keep your car in great shape. Experience the ultimate convenience with our Mobile Cab Detailing services in Morris County and surrounding areas. We come to your vehicle location equipped with everything needed. Call us today at 862-260-4178 to enjoy a hassle-free detailing experience at an affordable price. We provide car detailing services in New Jersey.

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